Mobility Info
Public transit accessibility

This site provides the following areas you can reach with COTA bus system.

Bus schedule base: accessible area based on COTA service schedules

Real-time feed base: accessible area based on real-time bus arrival time updates

Those data are repeatedly collected via COTA.

You can change the following options:

Date (since 24 April 2018) and Time (8AM, 1PM, and 6PM)

Maximum travel time in Time budget

Marker location (origin point) on map

Number of accessible stops: accessible area of each layer is approximated
by the number of accessible stops within the layer.

History of your search: your search is saved on the table with relevant information
including origin location, time, and the numbers of accessible stops (within 1hour)

Accessible areas
Time budget
Number of accessible stops

Schedule base: stops

Real-time feed base: stops

History of your search:
Number of accessible stops w/i 1 hour

☞ Double click on table row to return

Origin Time Schedule Real-time

Calculation in progress - please wait
